New Art and A Story in the July Issue of The Future Fire

a woman in blue looks through a mirror, but her reflected image is a wolf, not herself.

(Adapted from two posts originally published on my Patreon.)

I have new art pieces that are up with a brand new story of mine. The illustrations and my latest story, "Stitched", is in the July issue of The Future Fire. You can read it at the link, or as an ebook available on their site. 

Thanks to Djibril al-Ayad for publishing this story, and for commissioning two pieces of art to accompany it. I'll be doing a post this week about the art, but for now, I hope you all enjoy this story!

art of a woman drawn in a fairy tale style, her red cloak blowing in the wind

About the Art:

They commissioned two pieces from me. The image you see here is a personal one. One of my favorite illustrators is an artist named Trina Schart Hyman. I used to hunt for her books when I was a kid. I didn't know why I gravitated towards her books, but something about the style enchanted me. Her images are the bottom right two, mine is on the top and the bottom left. 

When I do commissions for artwork for an author or poet for website design, I often ask my clients to send me artwork that inspires them and then we choose a direction together for the artwork. I wanted to do something similar for myself: do one piece in my style (which is below) and the other as an homage to an influence of mine.